This file describes the various conventions used in the source. -= Naming of constructors and destructors =- uio_Thing *uio_Thing_new(args) Allocates the structure, and initialises it from the arguments. (was: uio_newThing()) void uio_Thing_delete(uio_Thing *thing) Frees the structure and all sub-structures. Decrements references to shared structures. uio_Thing *uio_Thing_alloc() Allocates memory for a new structure. Could be omited for standard allocators. Particularly relevant when a non-standard allocation scheme is used (for instance, allocation from a pool of pre-allocated strucures). (was: uio_allocThing()) void uio_Thing_free(Thing *thing) Frees the memory allocated for thing (reverse of uio_Thing_alloc). Could be omited for standard deallocators. void uio_Thing_ref(Thing *thing) Increments the reference counter to the structure. void uio_Thing_unref(Thing *thing) Decrements the reference counter to the structure. Calls uio_Thing_Delete() if the refcounter becomes 0. These functions are always declared and defined in this order.