The various universe related game data is generated through a call to a solar system dependant generation function. This function is of type PLAN_GEN_FUNC, which is a typedef to void (*PLAN_GEN_FUNC) (BYTE control) , where the 'control' argument specifies what type of data needs to be generated (one of GENERATE_PLANETS, GENERATE_MOONS, GENERATE_ORBITAL, INIT_NPCS, REINIT_NPCS, UNINIT_NPCS, GENERATE_MINERAL, GENERATE_ENERGY, GENERATE_LIFE, or GENERATE_NAME). The generation function for a solar system is kept in the 'GenFunc' field of the SOLARSYS_STATE structure. The SOLARSYS_STATE structure contains the data for a solar system. Currently, only one SOLARSYS_STATE structure is used at once, and the global variable pSolarSysState points to the current one. The GenFunc field is initialised in ExploreSolarSys(), to the value returned by GenerateIP() in sc2code/gendef.c. Usually, this will be 'GenerateRandomIP', but for some specific solar systems a (pointer to a) custom generation function is returned. This depends on the value of CurStarDescPtr->Index, which contains values such as SOL_DEFINED, MELNORME0_DEFINED, AQUA_HELIX_DEFINED, etc (see sc2code/encount.h for the complete list). The starmap_array in sc2code/plandata.c specifies Index for all the solar systems in the game. Following are the possible values of the 'control' argument to the generation function, with the description of how the generation function acts on this. As the custom generation functions often only need to change one specific aspect of this game data generation, they will often call GenerateRandomIP() for the rest. StarBases are handled as if they were moons. GENERATE_PLANETS Pre: the global variable pSolarSysState points to the relevant solar system. Pre: the RNG is initialised with a seed to be used for the generation. In practice, this seed is generated from the HyperSpace coordinates of the solar system (which are hardcoded in sc2code/plandata.c), followed by exactly one call to TFB_Random(). Post: the RNG is in an undefined state. This function determines how many planets the system has, and fills in pSolarSysState->PlanetDesc[] for all planets, including the NumPlanets field, which determines how many moons the planet will have. It also sets the random seed that is used for data generated for this planet (including the number of moons), based on its coordinates (which are in the general case randomly determined themselves). GENERATE_MOONS Pre: the global variable pSolarSysState points to the relevant solar system, which is initialised by a GENERATE_PLANETS call. Pre: the RNG is initialised with a seed to be used for the generation. In practice, this seed is the seed stored by GENERATE_PLANETS in the rand_seed field for the planet around which the moon(s) orbit. Pre: pSolarSysState->pBaseDesc points to the the relevant planet of pSolarSysState->PlanetDesc[]. Post: The RNG is in an undefined state. This function fills in pSolarSysState->MoonDesc[] for all moons around the planet pointed to by pSolarSysState->pBaseDesc. It also sets the random seed that is used for data generated for the moon based on its coordinates (which are in the general case randomly determined themselves). GENERATE_ORBITAL Pre: the global variable pSolarSysState points to the relevant solar system, which is initialised by a GENERATE_PLANETS call. Pre: pSolarSysState->pOrbitalDesc points to the relevant planet or moon from pSolarSysState->PlanetDesc[] or pSolarSysState->moonDesc[] Pre: the planet or moon that pSolarSysState->pOrbitalDesc points to is initialised by a GENERATE_PLANETS or GENERATE_MOONS call. This function fills in pSolarSysState->SysInfo with the characteristics of the planet or moon, as seen from orbit. It also initialises the random seeds used for the generation of bio, minerals, and energy nodes on the surface. It also sets the discovery report string (if appropriate), initialises the surface graphics, and start the planet music. For specific planets, it may initiate race communication and possibly combat, and will only return once these are over. NB. The GENERATE_ORBITAL code should be split up into separate calculation and activation (graphics and music) parts. GENERATE_MINERAL, GENERATE_ENERGY, GENERATE_LIFE Pre: the global variable pSolarSysState points to the relevant solar system, which is initialised by a GENERATE_PLANETS call. Pre: pSolarSysState->pOrbitalDesc points to the relevant planet or moon from pSolarSysState->PlanetDesc[] or pSolarSysState->moonDesc[] Pre: the planet or moon that pSolarSysState->pOrbitalDesc points to is initialised by a GENERATE_PLANETS or GENERATE_MOONS call. Pre: pSolarSysState->SysInfo is filled in by a GENERATE_ORBITAL call This function determines the properties of one mineral deposit, energy node, or life form on a planet or moon. On entry the caller sets pSolarSysState->CurNode to the index of the requested item. This function will then fill in pSolarSysState->SysInfo.PlanetInfo.CurPt, pSolarSysState->SysInfo.PlanetInfo.CurType, and in the case of minerals also pSolarSysState->SysInfo.PlanetInfo.CurDensity. In case pSolarSysState->CurNode is set to a value larger than or equal to the number of items of the requested kind ((COUNT) ~0 in practice), it is set to the real number of nodes. In this case the CurXXX fields of pSolarSysState->SysInfo.PlanetInfo are set to the values corresponding to the largest valid CurNode index, but should probably be considered to be undefined. These functions may also change the game state, cause the lander to take off (by setting InTransit to true in the active PLANETSIDE_DESC structure), or mark an energy node as not retrieved, usually in response to an item having been picked up since the last call. The game makes a GENERATE_MINERAL, GENERATE_ENERGY or GENERATE_LIFE call (whatever is relevant) for each item right after it is picked up. GENERATE_NAME Pre: pSolarSysState is set to the relevant solar system. Pre: The planet is initialised by GENERATE_PLANETS. Pre: pSolarSysState->pBaseDesc points to the relevant planet, which should be in the system. This function fills GLOBAL_SIS (PlanetName) with the name of the planet pointed to by pSolarSysState->pBaseDesc. It also sets the GAME_STATE flag BATTLE_PLANET to the type of this planet, so that it will be shown appropriately in melee if combat follows. There is no generate function for the names of moons. The few moons that are named (those in the Sol system), are handled as a special case of the routines that prints these names (PrintCoarseScan3DO and PrintCoraseScanPC). INIT_NPCS REINIT_NPCS UNINIT_NPCS [TODO] Initial version of this document created by Serge van den Boom, on 2005-07-11.