The UQM Threading and Synchronization library This document describes the function and API for the many threading and synchronization routines that UQM uses. People attempting to port this to thread systems that aren't covered by SDL (such as OS 9, for instance) will find the necessary API descriptions here. #defines NAMED_SYNCHRO: When #defined, all synchronization objects are named. This should be kept on all the time, at least until 1.0. TRACK_CONTENTION: implies NAMED_SYNCHRO. Spits out status messages whenever a thread goes to sleep because of an object matching TRACK_CONTENTION_CLASSES. TRACK_CONTENTION_CLASSES: This is an ORring of enums defined in threadlib.h. Constructs ---------- The operation of each construct is given; these operations map to the API in fairly straightforward ways. The locking constructs have an argument called "sync_class"; this indicates which value must be defined in TRACK_CONTENTION_CLASSES to see reports from this object. Valid values are SYNC_CLASS_TOPLEVEL for game logic synchronizers, SYNC_CLASS_AUDIO and SYNC_CLASS_VIDEO for audio and video systems, and SYNC_CLASS_RESOURCE for low-level resource allocators like memory systems. - Task This is the construct that the UQM game logic sees. In our multithreaded code tasks map directly to threads. A task is "assigned" to be started. One of its arguments demands that a stack size be specified; UQM ignores this. Tasks can voluntarily yield their timeslice by calling TaskSwitch(). This is mandatory inside busywait loops; otherwise priority inversion problems surface under BSD and even on other systems it causes undue CPU utilization. Tasks have "states" that can be read or modified by various other threads. The only state that is ever checked in the UQM code is TASK_EXIT, which is set when the task needs to be shut down. Task functions themselves return an integer and take a void pointer that can be cast to "Task". This is a reference to the Task itself, and is used to check its own state and properly de-initialize itself. The last thing a Task function must do before exiting is call FinishTask. If another thread wishes to terminate a Task, it can call "ConcludeTask" upon it. ConcludeTask will wait for the Task to recognize the TASK_EXIT state and exit; this can produce deadlocks if the thread requestion the Task's termination is holding a resource that the concluding Task needs. Program with care. API: Task AssignTask (ThreadFunction task_func, SDWORD Stacksize, const char *name); DWORD Task_SetState (Task task, DWORD state_mask); DWORD Task_ClearState (Task task, DWORD state_mask); DWORD Task_ToggleState (Task task, DWORD state_mask); DWORD Task_ReadState (Task task, DWORD state_mask); void TaskSwitch (void); void FinishTask (Task task); void ConcludeTask (Task task); - Thread A somewhat more powerful and low-level construct than the Task. Threads carry a "ThreadLocal" data object with them - at present, this is a single Semaphore used for signaling the thread when it wants to sleep until some graphics have been rendered. Threads can be created with arbitrary data passed as an argument (in the form of the void *), and can request their own ThreadLocal object. Threads can also be put to sleep for various amounts of time. Waiting on a thread permits one to block a thread until another completes. API: Thread CreateThread (ThreadFunction func, void *data, SDWORD stackSize, const char *name); void SleepThread (TimePeriod timePeriod); void SleepThreadUntil (TimeCount wakeTime); void TaskSwitch (void); void WaitThread (Thread thread, int *status); - Mutex The simplest form of lock. If a thread tries to lock a mutex, it will sleep if the mutex is already locked, and awaken once the mutex becomes available. A Mutex must be unlocked by the same thread that locked it, and a thread must never lock a mutex it has already locked (without unlocking it first). The most important Mutex in the program the GraphicsLock. Code in UQM that does things like change the screen's clipping rectangle always grabs the GraphicsLock first, to ensure that the screen doesn't go crazy. API: Mutex CreateMutex (const char *name, DWORD syncClass); void DestroyMutex (Mutex sem); void LockMutex (Mutex sem); void UnlockMutex (Mutex sem); - RecursiveMutex A somewhat more powerful version of the Mutex; this mutex may be locked multiple times by the same thread, but then to truly release it it must unlock it an equal number of times. The Draw Command Queue (DCQ) is protected by a recursive mutex. (This construct is occasionally called a "reentrant mutex.") API: RecursiveMutex CreateRecursiveMutex (const char *name, DWORD syncClass); void DestroyRecursiveMutex (RecursiveMutex m); void LockRecursiveMutex (RecursiveMutex m); void UnlockRecursiveMutex (RecursiveMutex m); int GetRecursiveMutexDepth (RecursiveMutex m); - Semaphore Semaphores superficially resemble Mutexes; they are "set" and "cleared". An integer is associated with each semaphore. Clearing the semaphore raises the value by one; setting it decreases it by one. Attempting to set a semaphore that is at value 0 will sleep the thread until the semaphore is cleared. Semaphores are used in the code to sleep until another thread is finished doing something. They are used heavily by the FlushGraphics code and the thread handling routines. A Task in the game is dedicated to advancing the calendar when necessary; this task is put to sleep by the clock semaphore when the game is paused, the player goes into orbit or to the menu, or any of several other events that act to suspend the game clock. API: Semaphore CreateSemaphore (DWORD initial, const char *name, DWORD syncClass); void DestroySemaphore (Semaphore sem); void SetSemaphore (Semaphore sem); void ClearSemaphore (Semaphore sem); - CondVar If a thread waits on a condition variable, it will go to sleep until some other thread tells that condition variable to signal a thread (or broadcast to all threads) that are waiting upon that variable. Our condition variables are weaker than the "standard" variables. Condition variables are generally used in conjunction with mutexes, but ours do not permit this synchronization and are only suitable for use if the condition variable will broadcast periodically. UQM has a condition variable associated with the DCQ that broadcasts whenever the queue is empty. Threads that attempt to write to the DCQ when the DCQ is full wait on this condition variable. API: CondVar CreateCondVar (const char *name, DWORD syncClass); void DestroyCondVar (CondVar); void WaitCondVar (CondVar); void SignalCondVar (CondVar); void BroadcastCondVar (CondVar);