The file src/sc2code/uqmdebug.c and src/sc2code/uqmdebug.h contain various debugging functions, which are included in the binary when the game is built in debug mode. These functions can be called from anywhere in the code, though some require the game to be in a specific state. The function debugKeyPressed() in uqmdebug.c is called when the debug key is pressed. This function is a suitable place to put various debugging calls. There is also a global variable 'debugHook', which can be set to a function to be called the next iteration of the main game loop (which will occur when the current activity (IP, HyperSpace, Communication, Battle) changes. By setting this, a function can be called from the main loop, thereby eliminating threading issues that may otherwise arrise. The debug key can be specified in keys.cfg by adding a line with a text similar to "Debug: key F11". An interactive way to access various debugging code, similar to the uio debug mode (see below) is in the works. The most interesting debugging functionality available at the moment is listed below: - the function equipShip() When this function is called, the SIS is equiped with various useful modules (a possible Precursor Bomb is left in place), all fuel tanks and crew pods are filled to the maximum, you are given the maximum number of landers, and all possible lander shields are installed. - the boolean variable instantMove When this variable is set to TRUE, you can select a location on the star map, and your HyperSpace/Quasispace coordinates will immediately be set to them. Your realspace coordinates are not changed, so if you are exploring a solar system, you'll only notice it when you leave to HyperSpace. - the function showSpheres() When this function is called, all spheres of influence of the active races will be shown. - the function forwardToNextEvent() Fast forwards the clock until the next event. If TRUE is given as an argument, the HYPERSPACE_ENCOUNTER_EVENTs, which normally happen every day, are skipped. - the function dumpEvents() Outputs information on all scheduled events to a FILE. - the function dumpPlanetTypes() Outputs information on all planet types to a FILE. - the function dumpUniverseToFile() Outputs information on the universe to "./PlanetInfo". This function should only be called from debugHook, as threading issues would otherwise arrise. - the function uio_debugInteractive() This function is not defined in sc2code/uqmdebug.h, but in libs/uio.h. This function can interactively (tty-based) display information on the state of the uio file system, and modifications can be made. The first version of this document was created by Serge van den Boom, on 2004-05-15.