This document describes the installation procedure for a installation from source on a Linux or BSD platform. 1. First, make sure all the required libraries are installed. They are listed in the file INSTALL in the top dir. 2. If you haven't done so already, download the content .uqm files packages that you want, from where you got this source package. You'll need uqm-0.4.0-content.uqm; uqm-0.4.0-3domusic.uqm (music from the 3DO version) and uqm-0.4.0-voice.uqm (spoken alien dialogs) are optional. Put these .uqm files in the directory content/packages/ which exists in the top directory of the source tree (the dir with (among others) COPYING, src/, and 3. Run './ uqm' Change settings in the menu if you want. The source building process will start, and when it ends, you should have a file 'uqm' in the source dir (or uqm-debug if you selected a debug build). You can try it out from this dir by typing './uqm' (or './uqm-debug'). 4. Run './ uqm install', and be patient. Depending on what installation location you selected in the configuration menu, you might need root permissions here. 5. Done. You can start the game now with the command 'uqm'. You may also delete the source (with the .uqm files you put in content/packages) if you want. If you want to recompile with other options, you can use './ uqm config' to reconfigure; you might need to do './ uqm depend' afterwards.