This is the format for resources of type STRTAB. It contains a number of items of unspecified data (not necessarilly strings). This is used for game strings (extension .txt), colour tables (.ct), colour translation tables (.xlt), and sound-effect tables (.snd) Everything is stored MSB first unless otherwise specified. position length meaning 4 0xffffffff if the file is uncompressed. Otherwise, the file is compressed. When uncompressed, the file complies with the rest of the format as described below. 2 Unused in file, always 0x0000 2 number of items in the file (StringCount) Followed by: In file: 4 Placeholder, always 0x00000000 numitems times: 4 length of string In memory: numitems times: 4 offset from &StringCount to the string followed by: 4 offset from &StringCount until one char past the end of the last string. For .ct files an item is as follows (new 256x24bit format): 1 Index of first clut in this item. 1 Index of last clut in this item. For each item: 256 palette entries: 1 red value 1 green value 1 blue value For old .ct files an item is as follows (obsoleted by new 256x24bit format): 1 Index of first clut in this item. 1 Index of last clut in this item. For each item: 32 palette entries: 2 bits 0-4: blue value bits 5-9: green value bits 10-14: red value bit 15: specifies the interpolation mode for 3DO scaling (is ignored now) The full palette contains 256 values, which are the original 32 values multiplied by 1 to 8. For .ct files (planet surface version; in ipanims) an item is as follows: 1 Index of first color in this colortab. 1 Index of last color in this colortab. Then for each color (6 bits per channel): 1 bits 0-5: red value 1 bits 0-5: green value 1 bits 0-5: blue value The planet surface palette files were probably copied verbatim from DOS version and left alone because they do no exactly fit into the whole CLUT system. For .xlt files (planet surface; in ipanims) an item is as follows: 2*3 3 elevation levels (not used, probably informational) 1*256 256 colormap indices each corresponding to a particular elevation level 0..255; only colormap indices 128..255 can be used currently because colormaps only define colors 128..255 The .xlt files combined with planet surface .ct files are used to select colors for planet surface rendering. For .snd files an item is as follows: N-2 Signed, 8-bit, 1 channel PCM samples of the sound effect, where N = (length of string) 2 Sampling frequency of the sound, *LSB first* (the frequencies themselves seem to be remnants of the DOS version)