Instructions for building UQM in Windows with MinGW and MSYS ============================================================ First, download and install the latest version of MinGW and then MSYS. (You can get them from ). You'll need all the libraries described in the INSTALL file in CVS. You should get the 'mingw' development build for SDL, and follow the instructions to install it into mingw. All others will be either for win32 or VC. These are the files you need to download: You can now do either of the following: 1) Copy the DLLs for each library to \[MinGW]\lib. Copy the header files for each library to \[MinGW]\include, (where [MinGW] is the directory where you installed MinGW) except for the Ogg Vorbis headers -- copy the folders (ogg and vorbis) containing the header files to the include directory. 2) Within MSYS set C_INSTALL_PATH and LIBRARY_PATH to point at all of the respective include and library dirs where you installed them. i.e. something like: export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/mingw/include/SDL:/c/VClibs/SDL_image-1.2.4/include/:/c/VClibs/OpenAL\ 1.0\ SDK/Include/:/c/VClibs/oggvorbis-win32sdk-1.0/include/:c/VClibs/zlib/include/ export LIBRARY_PATH=/c/VClibs/SDL_image-1.2.4/lib/:/c/VClibs/OpenAL\ 1.0\ SDK/libs/:/c/VClibs/oggvorbis-win32sdk-1.0/lib/:c/VClibs/zlib/lib/ NOTE: If you use the 2nd method above, you need to include the path to SDL in C_INCLUDE_PATH (but not in LIBRARY_PATH) The Ogg Vorbis headers want a header that is not included with MinGW. To get this file, download and put it to \[MinGW]\include. Now you're ready to build. Start up MSYS (the installer put an icon in your Start Menu and on the desktop). cd to the UQM directory. It'll be at /[drive letter]/[path to uqm]. ./ uqm config It should correctly detect everything, and give you a menu. Next run './ uqm depend' (just to be sure) and lastly: ./ uqm If you did everything correctly, it should now build successfully. To run the built executable, you should copy all the required DLLs to the same directory the executable is in, or copy them to your Windows directory.