Macro system design $Id: macro-sys-design.txt,v 1.1 2001/09/23 18:25:45 michaelh Exp $ The purposes of the macro system are: 1. Provide a way to target other assemblers than asxxxx, such as the GB IAR or rgbds assemblers. 2. Provide a way to target multiple similar processors at a relatively simple level from one backend, such as the gbz80 and z80. 3. Provide a way to dynamically build a command line for any spawned processes. 4. Provide a way for the backend to convientely access volatile global data such as the source file name or current function name. This is mainly to get around assembler limitations. Examples are: 1. Different assemblers use different forms for immediate values. Compare: ld a,#0x00 ld a,$00 ld a,#$00 Different assemblers use different forms for certain constructs. Compare: .ds 2 DS 2 DEFS 2 2. Some concepts, such as prolog and epilogue can be combined. Compare: push ix ld ix,#0 add ix,sp ld hl,0(sp) 3. Various paths such as include or library paths may change at run time. 4. Need to use the function name in a temporary variable name as the assembler doesn't support temporary local labels Compare: 1$: _func_0001: Types of data: 1. Static for a given starting set of parameters, such as target assembler or path {zero} -> #0, $0, 0x00 {sdccinclude} -> c:/sdcc/include, /usr/share/sdcc/include 2. Static for a given starting set of parameters, but include arguments inside them {immeda} -> #0x%02X, $%02X {areaa} -> .area %s, SECTION "%s" 3. Volatile throughout the run time with no parameters {currfuncv} -> _func 4. Volatile with arguments {templabeldef} -> {currfuncv}_%d: Rules: 1. Macros are surrounded by curly braces {}. 2. Curly braces cannot appear in any data. 3. Macros will be recursively expanded. The expansion cannot be cyclic. 4. Macros used as values to arguments will be recursively expanded. Any macros used as argument values cannot require arguments. If they do the arguments will not be evaluated. Problems: 1. There is no type checking or usage checking due to things being evaluated at run time. This could be verified by using a separate perl script to statically evaluate the strings. -- Michael