########################################################### ### Makefile.subdir for the GNU PIC Library ### ### Copyright (C) 2005 by Raphael Neider ### ### The GNU PIC Library was originally designed and ### implemented by ### Vangelis Rokas ### ### It is currently maintained by ### Raphael Neider ### ### This file may be distributed under the terms of the the ### GNU General Public License (GPL). See COPYING for details. ### ### $Id: Makefile.subdir,v 1.3 2005/08/13 14:28:20 tecodev Exp $ ### include $(topsrcdir)/Makefile.common SUBDIRS ?= MKLIB ?= # fallback: if builddir is not specified via the command line... builddir ?= build/$(patsubst $(shell cd $(topsrcdir); pwd)/%,%,$(CURDIR)) C_SRC ?= $(wildcard *.c) S_SRC ?= $(wildcard *.S) OBJS ?= $(addprefix $(topsrcdir)/$(builddir)/,$(C_SRC:.c=.o) $(S_SRC:.S=.o)) LIB_O ?= $(OBJS) ifneq (,$(strip $(MKLIB))) LIB_LIB = $(topsrcdir)/$(builddir)/$(MKLIB) TARGETS ?= $(LIB_LIB) else LIB_LIB = #TARGETS ?= $(OBJS) endif .PHONY : all install clean clean-intermediate all : install ifneq (,$(strip $(TARGETS))) # usually install $(LIB_LIB) or $(OBJS), race condition in "[ -d x ] || mkdir x" install : recurse $(OBJS) $(LIB_LIB) @[ -d "$(topsrcdir)/$(installdir)" ] || ( $(MKDIR) "$(topsrcdir)/$(installdir)" || true ); @echo "[INSTALL] $(patsubst $(topsrcdir)/$(builddir)/%,%,$(TARGETS))"; $(Q)$(CP) $(TARGETS) "$(topsrcdir)/$(installdir)" else # used in subdirs like libc/ctype whose files # are contained in a parent's library install : recurse $(OBJS) $(LIB_LIB) endif clean : recurse @-echo "dummy" > .dummy $(Q)-$(RM) .dummy $(foreach suf,asm d p lst hex cod sym,$(OBJS:.o=.$(suf))) @-echo "dummy" > .dummy $(Q)-$(RM) .dummy $(OBJS) $(LIB_LIB) $(Q)-[ ! -d "$(topsrcdir)/$(builddir)" ] || $(RMDIR) "$(topsrcdir)/$(builddir)" clean-intermediate : recurse @-echo "dummy" > .dummy $(Q)-$(RM) .dummy $(foreach suf,p lst hex cod sym,$(OBJS:.o=.$(suf))) include $(topsrcdir)/Makefile.rules