italic wrap bug - lubI24.bdf 'r', 'M'
XPM transparent color uses alpha channel
add alpha channel into GdDrawImage handling
fix fast gray palette handling for jpegs
check incorrect jpeg decode when !FASTJPEG
fixup GsDeliverRawMouseEvent, remove internal button handling
fonts/*/Makefile removed: *.o created with config.dbcs
MWCOORD_MAX possibly incorrect, int vs uint16 for MWCOORD in nxproto.h
	check LARGE_COORDINATES in devrgn2.c
use alpha channel with TIFF decode?
add 32bpp BMP support?
remove psd from GdDuplicateFont, GdCreateFontFromBuffer?
fix kluge rotate filters
nanocal doesn't work on fb
remove GsDeliverRawMouseEvent
rewrite GrGrabKey implementation
add MWTF_ encoding flags in DrawTextA, MwDrawText, MwExtTextOut
	fix USE_BIG5 in mwin/winlib/*.c
PCF font indexing (MWTF_XCHAR2B) in t1demo.c needs looking into
add PORTRAIT_HACK to config file
optimize GdBitmap
remove StretchBlit, old engine stretchblitex
add GdGetTextSizeEx, add entry points for GdGetFontList, GdFreeFontList
add release new fonts tar file
***GrCopyArea gcp->exposure flag needs checking into
	look at GrSetGCExposures, needs to send different type exposure
***still have mapping bug: xfreecell vs grabscreen, srvutil.c::GsRealizeWindow...
	parenting issue with UPDATE_MAP events...
***	change OLDWAY

should fixup and test win32 CreateFont for auto .ttf search/load
copy regions in GrSetGCRegion like GrSetWindowRegion
	use MWCLIPREGION *, instead of id
must copy regions in GrSetGCRegion for X11 lib to work...
	look into region copy on xoff/yoff != 0 in GsPrepareDrawing

notifyactivate in nanowm should check all child windows (qt bug)

change stipple/tile unsigned short to MWIMAGEBITS, use GdBitmap
seperate out dashed and stipple in config file and devdraw.c

change to GrChangeGC instead of new GrSetXXX routines?
***typedef CheckEvent in nanox/client.c
GetTypedEventPred - typedef CheckEvent, remove params??
***GrCopyGC broken for stipple allocs, etc
add 1bpp pixmap flag??

tcc: engine/devfont.c:://#error ... \
tcc: tuxchess can't compile due to CRLF source

need korean, japanese font test program

remove demo6, etc?
add nanocal, oneshot, periodic, pressure, ipcclient, ipcserver demos
add speed demo

check unrealize/realize ok in move, resize, reborder routines
test fontmapping?

remove right-left quick exit

cache nanowm title draw font creation

think about GrReadArea return value based on MWPF_ pixel format

add nanowm linked in (callouts)

try ecos compile,  add ACCESS_THREAD_DATA to new routines

fix nanowm: can't let two copies run at once...