The Nano-X Window System Copyright (c) 1999-2005 Greg Haerr CREDITS Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this project. Some of the more active contributors are listed below. If I've missed you, please remind me or submit something! Contributors Engine Greg Haerr, David Bell, Morten Rolland, Alex Holden Win32 api Greg Haerr Nano-X api David Bell, Alan Cox, Alex Holden, Greg Haerr Nano-X window manager Alex Holden, Greg Haerr Nano-X popup keyboard Vladimir Cotfas, Jay Carlson, Greg Haerr Nano-X scribble handwriting Greg Haerr Nano-X enhancements, bugfixes Jordan Crouse, Alex Holden, Jonathan Foster Nano-X api documentation Alex Holden Network code, Nano-X client lib Greg Haerr, Alex Holden MIPS LinuxCE port, touch device Brad LaRonde ELKS port Greg Haerr, Al Riddoch NanoWidget set Vidar Hokstad Bogl library Ben Pfaff Fonts Darran D. Rimron, Greg Haerr Font Subsystems Greg Haerr, Martin Jolicoeur, Vidar Hokstad, Jonathan Foster Alpha blending support Alex Holden, Jordan Crouse, Jonathan Foster X11 driver Tony Rogvall, Jonathan Foster Portrait mode fb driver Martin Jolicoeur BMP and JPEG file read/display Martin Jolicoeur RTEMS port Rosimildo daSilva DJGPP/GRX port Victor Rogachev C++ objects framework Chris Johns Arc clipping routines Eero Tamminen Mozilla kbd,rops,font enum Matthew Wlazlo Contact Info Jay Carlson Vladimir Cotfas Alan Cox Jordan Crouse Jonathan Foster Greg Haerr Vidar Hokstad Alex Holden Chris Johns Martin Jolicoeur Brad LaRonde Ben Pfaff Al Riddoch Darran D. Rimron Victor Rogachev Tony Rogvall Morten Rolland Rosimildo daSilva Eero Tamminen Matthew Wlazlo